Aaron and Rebecca - Interview 12

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Aaron and Rebecca found out they both carry the cystic fibrosis (CF) gene five years ago when Rebecca was pregnant. At around 30 weeks, they were told that the baby almost certainly had CF and were given reassuring information about what they would be dealing with and what they would have to do. Their daughter was born by caesarean section and transferred within hours to another hospital for an operation to clear her bowel. The operation was successful and since then, she has only been hospitalised on two occasions.
The hospital provided accommodation and a kosher food cabinet. Rebecca and Aaron have started using a timer switch to operate their daughter's nebuliser on the Sabbath.

The hospital provided accommodation and a kosher food cabinet. Rebecca and Aaron have started using a timer switch to operate their daughter's nebuliser on the Sabbath.
Health is important in Judaism. The Rabbis Rebecca and Aaron consulted have been very helpful in finding ways of doing what's needed for their daughter's health while remaining observant.

Health is important in Judaism. The Rabbis Rebecca and Aaron consulted have been very helpful in finding ways of doing what's needed for their daughter's health while remaining observant.
Rebecca and Aaron think the standard of care they received for their daughter with CF is exceptional compared to elsewhere in the country.

Rebecca and Aaron think the standard of care they received for their daughter with CF is exceptional compared to elsewhere in the country.
So …. I think the nurses quite like her actually [laughs] because the CF kids are, especially her, they are actually quite well, you know, so it’s not like they’re lying in bed being quite ill. They’re often, I mean, yes, there are some who are obviously quite ill, but often they’re active and they’re out and about and they, you know, are running round the ward like a lunatic.
The Cystic Fibrosis Forum has been a useful resource, but most people only use it when they encounter problems, so one can get a distorted view.

The Cystic Fibrosis Forum has been a useful resource, but most people only use it when they encounter problems, so one can get a distorted view.
Rebecca' You don’t hear the good news. You hear the bad news. And you know, as she’s got older you notice that people who post on the forum are either those with unfortunately very ill children, or those with new diagnosis. And they post for the first year and then they disappear. [laughs] And I mean that went for us just as much as it goes for everybody else. So you do tend to only go and seek information when G-d forbid they are not well.
Rebecca and Aaron were not offered genetic counselling when they found out they were CF carriers because Rebecca was already pregnant. Their daughter was born with CF but luckily her symptoms are currently quite mild.

Rebecca and Aaron were not offered genetic counselling when they found out they were CF carriers because Rebecca was already pregnant. Their daughter was born with CF but luckily her symptoms are currently quite mild.
When Aaron and Rebecca both tested positively for the cystic fibrosis gene they felt very reassured by the information and support they received before their daughter was born.

When Aaron and Rebecca both tested positively for the cystic fibrosis gene they felt very reassured by the information and support they received before their daughter was born.
Aaron and Rebecca found it helpful to talk to other parents via the Cystic Fibrosis Trust forum. Their nursery has also been very supportive.

Aaron and Rebecca found it helpful to talk to other parents via the Cystic Fibrosis Trust forum. Their nursery has also been very supportive.
Rebecca' Which is obviously much more obvious and much more serious in a lot of ways. It’s very complicated. And she, you know, we kind of talk together, because we’re both in a situation where unfortunately our children are not a hundred per cent, but you know, kind of we talk about things like the school, her daughter goes to the same school as [daughter’s name] does, so we talk about how the school cope with their conditions and what provision the school’s making for them. And she’s been very helpful and very supportive and, but equally it’s gone both ways. You know, she’s asked me questions and I’ve asked her questions and so that’s been very good.
Aaron and Rebecca reflect on how they had no idea that the CF gene was in their families.

Aaron and Rebecca reflect on how they had no idea that the CF gene was in their families.
Because while we are both carriers we had no knowledge of it previously. And we have no knowledge of any other family members that had had it. I mean obviously if you go back to a couple of generations they wouldn’t have known and on both sides there were child fatalities, within, you know, grandparent level or great grandparent level. So, but, you know, you are talking, you know 1800, 1900 years ago and it was more common anyway so you know there were lots of things probably that weren’t diagnosed. So who knows whether one of those, whether one of those children was, you know, did suffer from CF. But you wouldn’t know now, there’s no way of finding of out. Yes, so we had a lot to kind of catch up on, you know.
Aaron and Rebecca's daughter has a daily nebuliser and medication.

Aaron and Rebecca's daughter has a daily nebuliser and medication.
What would you say about her routine since she’s used to since she’s been born. Can you describe what her routine is?