
Jed is employed as an art psychotherapist in two locations (a Mental Health Trust and in a hospice) and is in the process of completing his PhD. He feels that research in art psychotherapy is now growing and that the profession has much to offer.
Jed is an HCPC-registered art psychotherapist and clinical academic researcher. He is in a relationship and has two children (aged 16 and 15). His ethnic background is White British.
More about me...
In 2009, Jed retrained to become an art psychotherapist. He was keen for research to be part of his job even before he qualified. He practiced clinically for several years and waited for the “right thing to come along” in terms of research interests. Jed currently has three main roles: (1) as an art psychotherapist in a Mental Health Trust, (2) as an art psychotherapist in a hospice (which includes responsibilities for supporting research capacity-building), and (3) completing his PhD, which he is seconded to from the other two jobs. Jed works full-time on his PhD and splits six hours clinical time per week between the two art therapy posts. As this translated to a very small caseload, Jed proposed that instead he could develop research capacity in the two settings – for example, through supervision, developing research policies and procedures, and supporting other studies to take place. He felt this was a way of “bringing that knowledge back in” to the organisations.
Before Jed started his PhD, he completed an NIHR-funded Master’s in Research where he met a number of other allied health professionals (AHPs), such as occupational therapists and physiotherapists, and nurses. He had previously completed a six month (30 days) Clinical Academic Internship Programme funded by NIHR. He felt the internship was a great opportunity to learn more about research in health and social care settings, and was an essential part of gaining a place on the NIHR MRes programme. It included Good Clinical Practice training and shadowing some clinical trial units. Initially, Jed felt the nurses on the internship had an advantage as many had worked as research nurses before, giving them “a general level of awareness of how a big NHS research project works”. However, when it came to thinking about leading research, he felt it was a “bigger step” for the nurses whereas it was a direction he (and some of the other AHPs) felt more capable of pursuing.
Jed’s PhD research brings together his interests from his two clinical posts and addresses an important research gap: end of life care for people with mental illnesses. It is important to Jed that his research brings benefits and reaches frontline staff: “[I knew that] just asking the question was going to lead to better care [… and] has made people have conversations about end of life care that they wouldn’t have had”. Although his PhD is “not a piece of art psychotherapy research on the surface”, his approach to research methodology and research dissemination is very much informed by his disciplinary background. Along the way, the process of undertaking research has shaped how he thinks about his professional identity: “I felt like I’d become a health researcher for a while, I feel a bit more like I’ve got the art psychotherapist back now [as I am coming to end of my PhD]” and the two are “becoming more integrated”.
Jed feels that art therapy, as a relatively small profession, has historically been quite “research shy”. This is now changing, although Jed tends to align himself with ‘AHPs in research’ as this is a bigger collective of people and experiences. Jed would like to see the research capacity in art therapy grow further. However, he describes structural barriers (such as middle management reluctance to second staff to pursue research). He encourages funders to support the full range of AHPs, which might require “open-mindedness” about the methods and research designs to suit the research questions of different professions. Compared to other professional groups (such as research nurses and nurse researchers), Jed feels clinical-academic career pathways for art psychotherapists remain very unclear – especially post-doctorally. He is preparing to develop a post with his line managers and other partners by adding a research element to his current post at the Mental Health Trust, although he anticipates this will be difficult to do in the hospice setting owing to funding arrangements, alongside retaining involvement with his university.
Jed is passionate about what art therapy can offer health research – in terms of research design, practice, analysis and dissemination. For example, Jed highlights that art psychotherapists are acutely aware that not everyone will feel comfortable expressing themselves through speech/text and that other visual forms of communication can be powerful. However, particularly with research involving ‘vulnerable’ groups, there can be risks for participants and art psychotherapists are highly skilled in assessing and addressing this issue in their clinical work – an ability which can be translated to research. Jed speaks about skills honed in art therapy which lend well to the world of research, such as a “personal resilience […] that you need as a psychotherapist and as a lone worker that you also need as a researcher”.
Jed thought differently about his professional identity at different times during his doctorate. He reflected on some of the things that art psychotherapists could bring to health research.
Jed thought differently about his professional identity at different times during his doctorate. He reflected on some of the things that art psychotherapists could bring to health research.
We are quite a misunderstood profession and we spend quite a lot of our careers, all of us, explaining what art therapy is and isn’t. And I think what I’d like to do is to kind of be able to explain, not only what art psychotherapy is and isn’t as a clinical intervention, but what the, what art therapists have as skills that are useful in their own research world. So how we could be helpful for research teams in facilitating workshops in a safe, ethical way, with vulnerable groups particularly. So I’ve been asked to, you know, get involved and support other people’s studies because they’ve wanted a bit of that. So, you know, where I’ve got a colleague who’s a nurse, and she said, “Will you co-facilitate,” because then I’m kind of almost covering that bit if you like, I’m covering that, that side of things that so that’s quite interesting ‘cos, you know, it’s not traditionally what we’ve done, but absolutely what we could do.
A part of what we could do.
Jed identified a number of potential challenges for NMAHPs wishing to undertake research qualifications. This included the level of funding available, the timing of applications, and being able to secure backfill.
Jed identified a number of potential challenges for NMAHPs wishing to undertake research qualifications. This included the level of funding available, the timing of applications, and being able to secure backfill.
Jed described his experience of undertaking an internship and MRes (Master of Research) degree.
Jed described his experience of undertaking an internship and MRes (Master of Research) degree.
As an art psychotherapist, Jed had a number of skills which he could translate into supporting research participants.
As an art psychotherapist, Jed had a number of skills which he could translate into supporting research participants.
The other time that it’s really come to the fore I guess is in the methodology side of things. So thinking in a different way about how you collect data. How you analyse data, how you look at data. What are the risks of asking people to produce things in a particular way? So there’s quite a, there’s quite a focus on using visual and creative methods now in qualitative research. There’s not always the same consideration to the risks of doing it. So I’m often the one putting my hand up saying, “Yeah but sometimes you might plunge somebody into a really difficult place by asking them to make that out of Lego, you know, Lego might trigger them off to somewhere, you know, you’ve got to be able to then support them”. So when I went to ethics and said what I was proposing to do, I didn’t get lots and lots of sort of concerns raised about what I was doing because I was a therapist. So I was able to kind of, I suppose reassure the committee that if people did become distressed (a) you know, I work with people with mental illness and who are dying every day, so it’s my normal. And it’s their normal cos it’s their experience, and so if they became distressed in an interview that I would be able to cope with that and support them, but also that I would know who to refer onto and at what point.
As he nears the end of his doctorate, Jed was thinking about ‘what next?’ He would like to develop posts for himself as an art psychotherapy researcher in the two settings where he works, but there are challenges.
As he nears the end of his doctorate, Jed was thinking about ‘what next?’ He would like to develop posts for himself as an art psychotherapy researcher in the two settings where he works, but there are challenges.
And if you want to keep a clinical and an academic role going, that’s harder than just going into the university. You know, that’s the, the pull already is to just go into the university full-time but then you lose that contact with clinical which sort of defeats the object of doing it in the first place. Or just going back to work and back into practice, and then you lose the contact with the university. So I’m just trying to sort of work out how I, you know, how I proceed post-doctorally really.
Jed was nearing the end of his doctorate and felt there were barriers in terms of the next steps.
Jed was nearing the end of his doctorate and felt there were barriers in terms of the next steps.
I think that could just, just need looking at.