
More about me...
From a young age, Eva describes feeling “not fitting in”. She didn’t share the same interests as her peers and felt that although she worked hard at school, she wasn’t doing as well as others. Around her 14th birthday she started dieting and calorie counting. Though she first felt happy about losing weight, she soon started feeling more and more unhappy, quiet and withdrawn. Eva describes “The voice” in her head telling her she was “lazy and horrible”, criticizing everything she did and making her feel never good enough.
When Eva was 14, she started limiting what she ate, recorded everything that she ate and drank and was visiting 'pro-Anorexia' (pro-Ana) sites regularly.
When Eva was 14, she started limiting what she ate, recorded everything that she ate and drank and was visiting 'pro-Anorexia' (pro-Ana) sites regularly.
Eva explains how Cognitive Behavioural Therapy helped her see that her thoughts about eating and food were irrational.
Eva explains how Cognitive Behavioural Therapy helped her see that her thoughts about eating and food were irrational.
In CBT they asked me things like is there anything that’s upset you, and I’d say yeah and then explain it. And they’d be like, “Why did it upset you? What?” And then you’d sort of break the thought down like, say you think, “Oh I can’t wear those jeans today, I look really fat.” And then they’d be like, “What,” like you’d break it down into like thoughts of why you think you look fat. And you’d be like, “Oh because I ate such and such yesterday.” Or, “I just do.” And then you’d realise, “I just do” isn’t really, you know like a valid explanation for it. And you’d think well why, because I’m exactly the same weight as I was yesterday, I can’t possibly have gained a stone in a day, sort of thing, and you think, “Oh maybe I am being irrational.” And it helped in that way to see it laid out like in three parts. Like the thought before, thought afterwards and sort of the rationale behind it. That did help seeing like logical, illogical conclusion sort of thing. It did help doing that.
Eva didn't find group therapy helpful. She felt that people fed off each other's negative attitudes and forgot to focus on their own recovery.
Eva didn't find group therapy helpful. She felt that people fed off each other's negative attitudes and forgot to focus on their own recovery.
Eva liked having a quiet, stress-free space in hospital where she could sit her GCSE exams.
Eva liked having a quiet, stress-free space in hospital where she could sit her GCSE exams.
Eva describes how obsessions about eating and weight affected everything she did and thought.
Eva describes how obsessions about eating and weight affected everything she did and thought.
Eva experienced many symptoms associated with anorexia nervosa' feeling cold, poor blood circulation, aches and pains, insomnia, feeling dizzy and hair loss.
Eva experienced many symptoms associated with anorexia nervosa' feeling cold, poor blood circulation, aches and pains, insomnia, feeling dizzy and hair loss.
Eva had lanugo hair on her body. She felt horrified and tried to tell herself it was normal.
Eva had lanugo hair on her body. She felt horrified and tried to tell herself it was normal.
Emily confided in a teacher that she'd been bingeing and purging for 5 years. After years of not telling anyone, Emily was surprised how easy it was to talk and how much it helped.
Emily confided in a teacher that she'd been bingeing and purging for 5 years. After years of not telling anyone, Emily was surprised how easy it was to talk and how much it helped.
Eva describes how planning ahead was the key to enjoying social life and eating out.
Eva describes how planning ahead was the key to enjoying social life and eating out.
Eva used to be scared of people looking and commenting on her eating at school. She's now realised people are much more interested in catching up with others than watching her.
Eva used to be scared of people looking and commenting on her eating at school. She's now realised people are much more interested in catching up with others than watching her.
Eva's relationship with her parents changed. When she was unwell she used to be very dependent on them and get angry but now they all work together.
Eva's relationship with her parents changed. When she was unwell she used to be very dependent on them and get angry but now they all work together.
Even though at first Eva was mad with her parents for taking her to the GP, she now feels thankful and says they did the right thing.
Even though at first Eva was mad with her parents for taking her to the GP, she now feels thankful and says they did the right thing.
Well if the young person, like if the parent was worried about taking the child to the GP in case the child doesn’t like them, in the end they’ll thank you. I thank my parents now. And they won’t be mad at you forever. Even if they are mad initially, you’d rather preserve your child’s health than think oh I don’t want them to be angry at me, and then they get really poorly because of it, because of you not taking them. Because sometimes it can be hard for them to take the step themselves because they don’t believe themselves to be ill.