Interview CC18

Age at interview: 38
Age at diagnosis: 34
Brief Outline: Diagnosed with early stage cervical cancer in 1998. Undergoing fertility investigations at time of diagnosis. Radical Trachelectomy (first women in her region to have a Radical Trachelectomy).
Background: Midwife; married, no children.
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She stresses that things get better with time.
She stresses that things get better with time.
Explains that she found it painful when her vaginal packing was removed after her cone biopsy.
Explains that she found it painful when her vaginal packing was removed after her cone biopsy.
I did find when I had the vaginal pack in that because it tends to press on your bowel a little bit, you find that and I found the most comfortable position when you're in bed was to lay on your side. You didn't feel the pressure of it, but actually when it's in its not painful. Because if you think about it the vaginas designed for childbirth so its not going to really be that painful. When its in you don't feel it but I did find it very painful coming out and I was glad to have the entenox when it came out.
She describes how she felt physically immediately after her radical trachelectomy.
She describes how she felt physically immediately after her radical trachelectomy.
I was, I did have a reaction to the morphine and it made me itch, it made me itch a lot. And they gave me something for that but I didn't realise, I didn't realise that even though I was itching like mad I didn't think to tell the nurses for ages and I wish I had now because I wouldn't, I wouldn't have itched for twelve hours and scratched so much. And I was quite sick as well but I had something for that. And it was very painful. It was painful definitely and I didn't expect it to be so painful and I didn't expect the bleeding to be so heavy as well. I think I really wasn't very realistic. I thought I would be up and out because I was young and relatively fit I thought I would be up within two or three days and back to normal. I think I just wasn't realistic about it all.
She describes her recovery from her radical trachelectomy.
She describes her recovery from her radical trachelectomy.
I mean the initial two, three weeks, it was uncomfortable and painful. And I think maybe looking back now I should have relaxed more but I was quite adamant I was going to get going and do things and I was going to do my housework and I was going to be active.
I have to say I quite enjoyed my post-op time at home. I, I enjoyed, I did quite a lot, I think I was quite active and I enjoyed it. And I was quite surprised.
So how long was that period?
That was twelve weeks, I think probably I could have gone back a little bit earlier. But I think once, you mustn't rush too quickly to get back to it because once you're back in work, you're back in work and people will make allowances for you but really, and especially with my job, you're on your feet, once you're back you have to be back and be fully recovered. So I wouldn't rush to go back, take, take that time. And do nice things, don't feel guilty about being off work. Do nice things, go to the beach, go for a walk you don't have to adopt a sick role and be in the house all the time.
Having cancer gave her a different perspective and made her more assertive though in most ways...
Having cancer gave her a different perspective and made her more assertive though in most ways...
She explains why she found it beneficial to be involved in a clinical trial.
She explains why she found it beneficial to be involved in a clinical trial.
She wanted to try for a baby before she had treatment.
She wanted to try for a baby before she had treatment.
And that was good because she was very blunt and it made me think I have to really, this isn't something that's just going to go away and I might become pregnant and I can have a pregnancy and then sort out the cancer. And she, it was really quite good for me for somebody just to be quite direct with me. Because I really, I just wouldn't see sense. I was so focused on that I was going to have my fertility treatment and have a child and then sort out the cancer.