Interview CC08

Age at interview: 42
Age at diagnosis: 36
Brief Outline:
Diagnosed with cervical cancer in1996. External Radiotherapy followed by Internal Radiotherapy.
Personal Assistant, married, 3 children.
More about me...
She explains why she found her radiotherapy planning upsetting.
She explains why she found her radiotherapy planning upsetting.
Explains that she consulted her GP having noticed bleeding after sexual intercourse and he...
Explains that she consulted her GP having noticed bleeding after sexual intercourse and he...
Did he do any tests or examinations then?
No, no he talked to me and he referred me over. And it was a very quick appointment, I can remember things happened remarkably quickly. And that worried me as well because not a lot in the NHS happens quickly.
Not being given an explanation for why she needed to sign a form caused her unnecessary distress.
Not being given an explanation for why she needed to sign a form caused her unnecessary distress.
Because I think when you're having an operation you just say "Oh we're going to take this tooth out and you're signing for the anaesthetic," but er they couldn't be bothered. And I'm not just a piece of meat, I know people often say that expression with doctors and surgeons that they see you as just a lump of a body there, that they're going to do something to. But it's such a big massive important thing in my life that I didn't just want to just sign this yellow form.
But I'd caused so much upset, I'd upset myself, I'd upset my husband, I'd upset my daughter because I wouldn't sign it. But you know I just felt I wasn't going to be bullied that afternoon by this doctor. When he was treating me wrong it was sort of, I suppose the upset and everything got hold of me, but I didn't actually tell him off or call his superior, I just refused to sign it and said I wanted to go home and started crying (laughs).
She didn't want to accept her diagnosis and felt angry because she had gone for regular smears.
She didn't want to accept her diagnosis and felt angry because she had gone for regular smears.
It was the fact that I didn't want to hear it, I didn't want to think about it, I didn't want to accept it. I'd always been proper, I'd done the smear tests and everything has alwaysbeen fine and 18 months isn't very long from having an absolutely clear smear test tosuddenly having a tumour is what I felt. So it was sort of a not believing and not wantingto accept.