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Sara said that she was too young to worry about being diagnosed with arthritis. She felt her parents were more concerned than she was.
Sara said that she was too young to worry about being diagnosed with arthritis. She felt her parents were more concerned than she was.
When Sara had an eye exam her doctor looked for inflammation. Sara was also asked to read from a chart.
When Sara had an eye exam her doctor looked for inflammation. Sara was also asked to read from a chart.
Sara described indomethacin as 'the drug that I believe gets me up in the morning'. This anti-inflammatory worked better for her than anything else she tried.
Sara described indomethacin as 'the drug that I believe gets me up in the morning'. This anti-inflammatory worked better for her than anything else she tried.
I’m still on Indomethacin right now. It’s my anti-inflammatory. It’s probably something that I’ll always have. It’s the drug that I believe gets me up in the morning. It means that I can get up and feel great. I would never want to come off that unless it was posing a serious health risk in which case I would be deeply saddened because it does quite a lot for me. And I could probably come off; I don’t know if I could come off my strong pain killers at night. It depends on the conditions. In this country with the humid, the humidity the way it is I don’t think I could sleep at night with my arms being, they’re quite restless. Even though they’re in splints they get quite uncomfortable. So, yeah, I stay on that and I probably will stay on that as well. It’s great. It’s an anti-inflammatory it works better than anything else I’ve tried.
When Sara was in a wheelchair she worried that her boyfriend might not want to be seen with her. He didn't mind pushing her around and people didn't stare at Sara as much as she thought they would.
When Sara was in a wheelchair she worried that her boyfriend might not want to be seen with her. He didn't mind pushing her around and people didn't stare at Sara as much as she thought they would.
Sara buys children's clothes because she is small and they can be easier to put on.
Sara buys children's clothes because she is small and they can be easier to put on.
It is important to be gentle when examining people with arthritis. They can be in lots of pain to start with and being rough can make them feel worse.
It is important to be gentle when examining people with arthritis. They can be in lots of pain to start with and being rough can make them feel worse.
Don’t pull people around so much. They, I know it sounds silly but my left knee was hurting quite badly and my consultant, as lovely as she is, really pulled around with it and it hurt so much more for months afterwards. It took a long time to get it to feel better after that. And I think they don’t necessarily realise that they pull people around a lot especially when you’re being checked over by the physio. These days they’re not so bad but when I was a child they pulled me around something rotten and made me cry, it was that bad. Just trying to find out where my boundaries were. And I thought, “That’s not fair, you can’t just…” Somebody that I don’t know just starts grabbing me and pulling me about, pulling my head this way and my leg that way and I think sometimes they need to realise that it’s not an ordinary person they’re dealing with, it’s not somebody who isn’t feeling any pain, it’s somebody who does feel pain and feels pain quite easily and quite sensitively. And I’ve got very sensitive skin anyway. You could sort of touch me anywhere and it would hurt a little bit. I think that’s the way I’ve always been. And they do need to realise that sometimes.