When it comes to the MRI did they tell you what was going on and why?
No. All I really remember is so noisy and I had to sit on the bed for half an hour listening to music behind loads of windows in glass and whatever, it was a full body one. Yeah that's all I really remember, I just remember it was like a tube, felt like I was going in like the Tardis or something because the noises.
What did it feel like?
I couldn't feel anything but they said there was something out on the lines of not nuclears, something like some waves that go through your body from this tube where you have to lay on the bed and it shoots. Yeah and there's some waves that were going round the room, that's why they had mirrors and glass, yeah.
And did the people tell you what was happening during the MRI? Did they talk to you at all?
No I couldn't hear them.
And before the MRI did they explain what they were going to do?
I didn't really know, no. They were just like , "You're going for an MRI scan," and if I was at home I would have like researched it up and that on the internet but I didn't have a clue really what it was until I got to the room in the wheelchair, looked at the MRI and I though whoa, it's like a huge machine And they were all like, "Don't move," and there's about five doctors and a couple of nurses, they were all like, "Make sure you don't move, listen to your music, don't take it off," and I was just like yeah and then I went into the tube and couldn't feel anything and that I think was even worse when I came out because I had to like lay on the bed, a wooden, well it weren't wooden, the thick plastic, not even cushioned or anything. Yeah I listened to some rubbish music.
Was it painful then laying down still on these beds?
It always is in like assemblies and that. All wooden and cloth chairs but they don’t; Miss said that she'll email around the school again telling them that about how the arthritis, because we hate to be. I can never like sit on a chair for ages and they think I'm just fidgety but it's not always because of that it's just because I need to move. Because if I don't move then I'll be like stuck really.