
Age at interview: 14
Age at diagnosis: 10
Brief Outline: Jenna has polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). She is on a medical trial for the drug tocilizumab and has improved lots since being on it. Jenna remains positive about her arthritis.
Background: Jenna is a student studying for her GCSEs. She lives with her parents and younger sister. She is white British.
More about me...
Jenna has polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Before being diagnosed Jenna experienced pains in her hands and feet. The GP said that these were just growing pains and not to worry. Jenna then started experiencing pains in her shoulder and knee. The GP said there was nothing wrong. Finally, Jenna’s fingers became stiff and she was unable to bend her index finger. Jenna’s mum insisted that Jenna was sent for blood tests at the local hospital. The blood tests did not show that Jenna had arthritis (they were not rheumatoid factor positive). The paediatrician could not explain why Jenna was experiencing problems with her joints. A rheumatologist saw Jenna and more tests were done (including an MRI, X-rays of her hands, physical examinations and further blood tests). After the tests the rheumatologist diagnosed Jenna has having JIA.
Jenna has had various medications in the past. She is currently taking part in a medical trial for the drug, tocilizumab. Jenna’s condition has improved significantly since being on tocilizumab and most of the aches, pains and stiffness have gone.
Jenna has had very positive experiences of her hospital treatment. She is never nervous and enjoys taking a day off school each month to receive her medication. She finds all the nurses friendly and has a good relationship with them. Jenna would like to become a nurse when she leaves school.
Jenna’s mum, Karen, has rheumatoid arthritis. Karen is knowledgeable about arthritis and Jenna relies on her for information and support.
Jenna enjoys cheerleading and street dancing. Her cheerleading team recently received first prize in a competition.
Jenna was not surprised to learn that she had arthritis because her mum, Karen, has arthritis. She looked forward to getting medication that would help with the pain.
Jenna was not surprised to learn that she had arthritis because her mum, Karen, has arthritis. She looked forward to getting medication that would help with the pain.
So who was with you when you were doing these tests?
My Mum really, ‘cos my Dad’s at work a lot during the day.
And did that help? Her being there?
And did it make a difference that your Mum also had arthritis?
I think it might, it made me a bit more confident with what’s going on, ‘cause my mum understood it as well. So if I had any like thoughts or like any worries then she’d be able to like help me.
And your Mum was there when you were diagnosed?
Yeah I think my Dad was there too.
Did it come as a shock?
Not really ‘cause I just sort of like realised that I probably did have it.
And given that your Mum’s had it, obviously you live with your Mum, I mean do you think that’s had an impact on how you perceived that examination period?
Not really. Not much no.
How did you feel then when you were told that you had arthritis?
I think I was a bit relieved that I found out what it was, and that I could do something about like all the pain and stuff, and I could get like on the medication as well.
Jenna enjoys dancing and has won competitions. Her arthritis doesn't normally cause her a problem but her hips were stiff after the last competition.
Jenna enjoys dancing and has won competitions. Her arthritis doesn't normally cause her a problem but her hips were stiff after the last competition.
I do dancing on Fridays and Saturdays. And I like do displays and competitions and stuff. And I walk home from school most days now.
Oh how do you cope with the dancing, that’s very cool.
I’m okay with it actually, it doesn’t really affect me, but the last competition I did about, was it like two weeks ago? Afterwards my hip started hurting, but we think it was just because of like the extra exercise ‘cause like we were practising all day, and like we like keep doing the same dance and stuff.
Oh competition, do you go into competitions?
Have you won anything?
I got a first place in my team dance in March.
What was this competition about? Was it regional, or was it a school, was it a large?
It was cheerleading and there was like 25, maybe more different dance schools competing.
And it was like the UKA or something, I’m not sure.