The hospital advised against meeting parents of babies with Down’s syndrome. She did not get in touch with support groups.
The hospital advised against meeting parents of babies with Down’s syndrome. She did not get in touch with support groups.
I did look into the Down's syndrome side of things, a lot of leaflets, and sort of got in touch with various, I think the Down's Association I got in touch with. But that was quite difficult, I found, because I actually spoke to the hospital and I asked if I could speak to somebody that had a Down's baby, and they didn't feel that it wouldn't be beneficial. And at the time I was a bit sort of, 'Well, I don't understand that'. But in hindsight now, I can understand it a bit more.
And so I did look into that quite a bit, but mainly leaflets really. The hospital gave me a lot of leaflets on congenital heart disease and so I did read up on bits of that. But I must admit I didn't actually contact any organisations. I didn't actually physically speak to anybody. At the time I don't think I wanted to - I did and I didn't.
I think maybe if somebody had contacted me, I'd have probably quite happily chatted away and asked them lots of questions, but at the time I didn't feel possibly strong enough or confident enough to actually contact them.