
Ollie has had acne since he was 13. After various topical treatments from his GP failed to work, he was referred to a dermatologist for Roaccutane (isotretinoin). He had a very positive experience with the medication and the medical staff he saw.
Ollie is aged 16 and a secondary school student. He is of White British descent.
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Ollie’s acne began when he was 12 or 13. Having acne at a young age was difficult for Ollie because his peers did not have spots yet. Ollie’s acne is now primarily on his face, but he has had it on his back and chest. His parents were the ones that suggested taking him to see a GP, as both his mum and sister had had acne in the past. From the ages of 13 to 14, Ollie tried prescribed topical treatments. These were good at treating existing spots but did not prevent further breakouts. His acne got worse and at age 15, his GP referred him to a dermatologist for a course of Roaccutane (isotretinoin). He had to have blood tests taken to confirm his eligibility before being given an 8-week course. Ollie’s skin responded really well and cleared up. He had some side effects, such as dry lips and skin, and sensitivity to the sun. However, Ollie found these side effects manageable and even enjoyed the fact that he got a sun tan that muted the redness in his skin. After his first course of Roaccutane, Ollie’s acne came back and he was referred for a second course. He found the process of obtaining Roaccutane quite long as he had to wait three to four weeks to get the appointment at the dermatology clinic. However, the consultation itself was quick and he feels that the treatment was worth it.
Ollie finds that oily foods can sometimes trigger spots. He maintains a routine of washing his face every morning and evening. Ollie finds that shaving his face can be quite uncomfortable as it aggravates the skin and it can also cause acne scarring. Ollie had some scarring on his back from scratching his spots, but the first round of Roaccutane helped treat those scars. Ollie sometimes found it hard to accept that others have clear skin and are unaffected. However, he believes that acne is only temporary and that people are generally more understanding of it because it is very common.
Ollie’s experience with healthcare professionals was great overall. They gave him all of the information he needed and made his acne a top priority. Ollie also thinks that the Internet is a great source of information and support, even though he does not make much use of it himself. Ollie’s advice to young people with acne is to go see a GP and not to be embarrassed by acne. He advises parents to be supportive in going to the GP and obtaining dermatology referrals. Furthermore, Ollie believes that schools can do more to support young people with acne, such as hold assemblies, lead workshops, send out newsletters, or promote online resources to spread awareness and information.
Ollie explains about different acne spots.
Ollie explains about different acne spots.
Ollie’s acne is sometimes itchy but he tries not to pick it.
Ollie’s acne is sometimes itchy but he tries not to pick it.
Some of Ollie’s family members had acne but he didn’t know much about it when he started to get spots.
Some of Ollie’s family members had acne but he didn’t know much about it when he started to get spots.
Ollie found that some medical treatments were easy to use on the face, but not for areas such as the back and shoulders.
Ollie found that some medical treatments were easy to use on the face, but not for areas such as the back and shoulders.
Ollie had positive experiences with his dermatologists understanding about how young people might feel about their acne.
Ollie had positive experiences with his dermatologists understanding about how young people might feel about their acne.
Ollie had a second course of isotretinoin when his acne started to come back.
Ollie had a second course of isotretinoin when his acne started to come back.
So, was the second course something that you anticipated or that your dermatologist had told you to expect?
Eh- the …I think generally I wasn’t really…I’d, I thought that my courses were completely finished and I thought I was done just because my skin was completely fine, or appeared completely fine, so that’s why I didn’t really hear about anything. And then it started to come back, and I think the reason why I didn’t get it straight away and why it took me a while is cos my skin was completely clean, so it looked like I wouldn’t need a second course. So, it sort of like finished everything and that was all done and I didn’t, hadn’t seen my GP for a while, and then they started to come back, and then I had to go get it. So, I suppose if I actually still had spots after my first course it’d probably be better cos I would be…I would’ve started my second course earlier cos we would’ve known that I needed, I needed one.
For Ollie, shaving with acne can be painful and leave scars.
For Ollie, shaving with acne can be painful and leave scars.
Yeah and [laughs] and it still is unfortunately. It's just, you know just particularly nasty spots randomly breaking out - sometimes several, and sometimes only one – it's really, really painful especially with shaving as well, as that can be quite …cos you're sort of like, you know you're chopping them all off which is really unpleasant. And especially if sort of you knock it or pick it or whatever is it makes it worse and it can be really, really painful and uncomfortable. But i- it's not…I mean it's manageable but it's definitely uncomfortable, so I much prefer not to have any, any sort of thing.
Could you tell me a bit more about shaving and sort of how you dealt with that whilst you had sort of active acne?
When my acne was quite bad, with shaving it was actually sort of…because I was breaking out a lot of sort of yellow-heads and not very nice, sort of looking infected, and with shaving it actually seemed to clear my skin up a bit because it, it got rid of all the horrible bumps and stuff like that, but that leaves behind quite bad scarring, cos I'm sure like on my cheeks and stuff like that there is a bit, and that’s probably is from shaving, and as I said it can be pretty painful. But yeah sh-, it's not particularly bad except it does make your…cos I sort of had a bit of redness around my chin, and shaving makes that quite a bit worse I think. But it's not, it’s not too bad shaving with acne except it can lead to scarring and a bit discomfort pretty much.
Ollie thinks it’s useful to have someone in the family who has had acne.
Ollie thinks it’s useful to have someone in the family who has had acne.
Ollie suggests doing an assembly or workshop to support children in school with acne.
Ollie suggests doing an assembly or workshop to support children in school with acne.
Yeah. I think it's always quite hard when talking about stuff in schools because in terms of assemblies and things like that, is a lot of people don’t listen, and sort of zoning… including me I admit sometimes sort of zone out, I don’t really pay attention. But I think…and also with doing like workshops and stuff like that, taking out, time out of lessons especially in this sort of period is really, really difficult. But I think that for something like acne and something that can be so… affect somebody's life so much is it's very important that you do maybe take some time out. Well that’s probably, probably at the beginning of the year have a workshop with people coming in and talking about acne and stuff like that, cos even now I know of a lot of people who have pretty bad acne that could sort it out themselves, and are too embarrassed or afraid to actually do it, and I think…and it does affect their life quite massively. And even then I think a workshop, like an hour-long workshop, or maybe even in assembly cos it would reach some people; or like a newsletter or something like that, or promoting online sort of support would definitely, definitely, really, really help people.