
Age at interview: 13
Age at diagnosis: 11
Brief Outline:

(Text only clips) Eli has had acne for about 2 years. She began wearing make-up to fit in at a new school but she thinks that this is making her spots worse. Having acne affects Eli’s confidence and she prefers to wear make-up when out with her friends.


Eli is 13 years old and a secondary school student. Her ethnic background is White Greek.

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Eli has had acne for several years. Most of her spots have been on her face, although she did have some on her back for a little while ago. She didn’t worry too much about her acne until she moved to the UK from her home country. She started school and realised that all the other girls her age wore make-up. She began wearing make-up to fit in but she thinks that this is making her spots worse. Eli worries that she may still have acne when she has grown up because she uses foundation. Her mum bought her a special foundation for acne-prone skin which helped a bit. 

Eli uses a cream which she bought from a shop in her home country. Her mum helps remind her to use it every night. Eli thinks that the cream helps, but that wearing make-up undoes this. Her spots are sometimes itchy but she tries not to pick or squeeze them. Eli thinks that having a fringe has made the skin on her forehead oilier, so she tends to tie her hair back. She also tries to avoid some foods, like chocolate and crisps, as she thinks that these might also causes spots. Eli removes her make-up whilst at home with soap, unless she has plans to go out in the evening. She prefers going out when it’s dark or going to the cinema so that her spots are less visible to other people.  

Eli sometimes talks to her friends who also have acne. Sometimes they look online for video tutorials about getting rid of acne and make-up. Eli and one of her friends went shopping to look for a product to clear acne and found something similar to try out. Her advice to other people her age with acne is to not put too much foundation on their skin.

Eli says that spots affect how she feels about herself. For example, she thinks that boys don’t find girls with acne attractive. She feels awkward when talking to boys, especially because most of her male friends don’t have spots themselves. She feels more comfortable leaving the house with make-up on, but says that she can sometimes still see the spots under her foundation. Eli doesn’t like it when her make-up comes off in PE as her acne becomes more visible. She says that her skin becomes shiny throughout the day so she puts on powder in the bathrooms. Eli also covers up her spots when posting photographs of herself on social media by using filters on her phone camera.


Eli thinks wearing make-up worsens her acne.

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Eli thinks wearing make-up worsens her acne.

When I came from Greece I didn’t have make-up and stuff cos in Greece we didn’t wear that kind of stuff but when I came in England and at the school I realised everyone was wearing make-up so I decided to get some. I already knew that make-up is not good for the skin cos it’s oily and it doesn’t help but I had to because everyone at my school did wear make-up. So I started wearing make-up and foundation and powder and loads of stuff. But it doesn’t like-, it doesn’t really cover them properly because you can see them, like even when you put foundation. When I was in Greece, every time I go to Greece I have this cousin that has a shop and she buys me this cream for my acne and I use it every night unless I forget it sometimes and it really helps. But by wearing make-up every day that makes my acne worse again. Also I eat chocolate and crisps and stuff which I’ve heard are not like very good for the-, for my spots.

Eli heard about a topical treatment for acne online and went shopping to find it with her friend.

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Eli heard about a topical treatment for acne online and went shopping to find it with her friend.

Can you remember where you read about that or where you heard about it?

I just watched a YouTube video about it.

Could you tell me a bit more about the YouTube video?

Well it was this lady which was about 20 years old and she had  spots like all her life and she was just saying about how she lost them and well yeah, with getting creams and stuff.

One of my closest friends because we were looking at videos together on the Internet about how to remove them. And one day we went shopping together and we got this cream but this was like some months ago. So yeah.

Can you remember anything about what the video was saying about ways to remove acne?

It was saying the same thing of different creams and stuff. That’s why me and my friend went shopping but we couldn’t find the exact like the cream the video was saying but, yeah.

Eli thinks there’s peer pressure for girls to wear make-up in the UK, which she says wasn’t the case in her home country of Greece.

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Eli thinks there’s peer pressure for girls to wear make-up in the UK, which she says wasn’t the case in her home country of Greece.

Yeah, in Greece lots of-, well some of the girls have spots, in the girls I used to hang out with so, but like they didn’t really find it weird and none of them wore make-up so it was just like, like everyone-, like no-one would wear make-up so it was alright with me. When I came to England it all changed.

It was weird cos the first day I didn’t wear make-up because I didn’t know how it was. But I saw everyone was wearing it and they were looking at me weirdly and stuff. So I started putting make-up on after a week or so.

Yeah, well cos most of the boys in my school don’t really have acne and most of the girls don’t really-, well some of them do. The people, they just don’t really like it so I just feel awkward when I’m around boys cos I can’t really talk to them cos I just feel awkward.

Eli likes to watch make-up tutorials online and sometimes posts her own photos. She uses make-up and adds filters to cover up her spots.

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Eli likes to watch make-up tutorials online and sometimes posts her own photos. She uses make-up and adds filters to cover up her spots.

I have Instagram, yeah, which is like a, like Facebook but you just post Facebook-, and you post photos and stuff. So I’ve found this YouTuber that has an account on Instagram and she like posts photos of how she does her make-up and with what products and how she does her acne and like how she puts her creams. And, yeah, I get some ideas from her.

Do you ever post your own photos on Instagram?

Yeah, but I try and cover my spots on photos.

Okay. How do you do that?

Just different effects and, yeah, stuff my phone has.

Like filters?


Eli sometimes talks to her friends about acne, but only those who have spots themselves.

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Eli sometimes talks to her friends about acne, but only those who have spots themselves.

My friends wear make-up as well but they don’t have as many spots as me. Like one of them does but most like-, all of the others don’t, so they don’t really need it.

Do you talk to any of your friends about spots?

Yeah, but only the ones that have spots because the others don’t really understand.

I just like talk to them like because they have it as well, so we just talk about like how-, what we have to do to like not have it anymore