Long Covid in Adults


Kate Hunt (PhD)

Kate Hunt is Professor of Behavioural Sciences and Health at the University of Stirling (Institute for Social Marketing and Health). Her research in social and public health sciences uses a range of methods. Her research interests include gender, health and health behaviours; commercial/media influences on health; wellbeing of people living and working in prison; and people’s experiences of health and illness. She is the principal Investigator for the study and helped to conduct the interviews, analyse the data and wrote the topic summaries for this project with Alice Maclean.

Alice Maclean (PhD)

Alice MacLean is a research fellow at the University of Stirling (Institute for Social Marketing and Health). Alice specialises in qualitative research with interests in experiences of health and illness; gender and help-seeking across the life course; and health within families.  She helped to conduct the interviews, analyse the data and wrote the topic summaries for this project with Kate Hunt.

Ashley Brown (PhD)

Ashley Brown is a Research Fellow at the University of Stirling (Institute for Social Marketing and Health). Her research interests include the wellbeing of people living and working in prison, people’s experiences of health and illness and gambling behaviour. She helped to conduct the interviews and analyse the data. She is a co-investigator on the project. 

Douglas Eadie

Douglas Eadie was a Research Fellow at the University of Stirling (Institute for Social Marketing and Health) until he retired in 2022. He has more than 30 years’ experience of conducting health-related research studies. He helped to code and analyse the data.

Catriona Connell (PhD)

Catriona is a Research Fellow at the Salvation Army Centre for Addiction Services and Research at the University of Stirling. Her research focuses on improving the health and social services of poorly served groups. She helped to code and analyse the data. 


Fiona Mercer (PhD)

Fiona was a Research Fellow at the Salvation Army Centre for Addiction Services and Research at the University of Stirling until September 2022. Her research interests include social and health psychology, lived experience and qualitative methodologies. She helped to code and analyse the data.


Louise Locock (PhD)

Louise is a qualitative researcher and professor in health services research at the University of Aberdeen. Before joining Aberdeen in 2017, she was Director of Applied Research at the Health Experiences Research Group (HERG), University of Oxford, and has led numerous studies disseminated on this site. She is a co-investigator on the project.

Pat Hoddinott

Pat Hoddinott is Professor Primary Care at the University of Stirling. She is a co-investigator on the project.

Callum O’Dwyer

Callum O’Dwyer, Patient Research Partner, is a co-investigator on the project.

Sue Ziebland

Sue is Professor of Medical Sociology and Director of HERG at the University of Oxford.  She is a co-investigator on the project


We would like to warmly thank all the people who have taken part in the research.  We appreciate the time that people with Long Covid have generously given to share their experiences, particularly as many were still feeling very unwell at the time of the interviews. 

We would like to thank Ruth Sanders and Sasha Lewis-Jackson at the Health Experience Research Group at Oxford University for their helpful support, advice and comments and the advisory panel members for their input into the project. 

Nine interviews included were conducted as part of the ‘Diversity in Experiences of Covid-19’ study and 27 interviews as part of the ‘Understanding and using family experiences of managing long Covid to support self care and timely access to services’ study. Additional interviews included on the site were conducted by Cervantee Wild, Anna Dowrick, Sasha Lewis-Jackson Sarah Nettleton, Alice Maclean, Zoe Skea, Heather Munro and Tanvi Rai. We are grateful to our colleagues on these projects, in particular Cervantee Wild and Anna Dowrick, for their help and insight.

Advisory Panel

Mhairi Allan, patient representative
Helen Atherton, University of Warwick
Shaista Aziz, patient representative
Carol Bugge, Glasgow Caledonian University
Anna Dowrick, MS & HERG, University of Oxford
Annelieke Driessen, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Lisa Hinton, University of Cambridge
Saravana Kanakarajan, NHS Grampian
Stewart Mercer, University of Edinburgh
Kate O’Donnell, University of Glasgow
Kaveri Qureshi, University of Edinburgh
Tanvi Rai, MS & HERG, University of Oxford
Cervantee Wild, MS & HERG, University of Oxford

Supported by:

The majority of interviews and the analysis and preparation of the materials for this site were part of a study funded by the Scottish Government Chief Scientist Office (reference COV/LTE/20/04).

Additional interviews included are from two allied studies. The ‘Diversity in Experiences of Covid-19’ study is funded by UKRI ESRC (reference ES/V016032/1) and the ‘Understanding and using family experiences of managing long Covid to support self-care and timely access to services’ is funded by NIHR (reference COV-LT2-0005).  




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