
Zohaib developed Covid symptoms and felt that his head hurt a lot. Zohaib also felt scared because he didn’t know what was happening and he had heard on the news about people dying. Zohaib’s family recently got a cat and Zohaib felt that spending time with the cat helps him. Zohaib was interviewed in June 2022.
Zohaib is a 12-year-old living with his mother, father, and siblings. Ethnicity: British Pakistani.
More about me...
Zohaib realised he had Covid when his head started hurting, he coughed a lot, and he lost his sense of smell and taste. Zohaib first heard about Long Covid from his doctor, who had offered him paracetamol to help ease his symptoms. As well as a headache, Zohaib’s body ached and he had a runny nose. Zohaib was scared when he first started getting Covid symptoms because he didn’t know what has happening to him and had heard on the news about people dying.
Before having Covid, Zohaib was very active. He enjoyed swimming and playing football, cricket, tennis, and basketball. Zohaib’s family used to go cycling together every evening but don’t now because some of them have Long Covid. Zohaib was angry and sad when he had to be less active and couldn’t go on these bike rides any more. Zohaib can still play some of the sports he used to, but gets tired very quickly.
Seeing friends has also become harder for Zohaib since developing Long Covid, as he’s very tired after coming home from school or playing cricket at an afterschool club. Zohaib also found going to school difficult because he had to go up and down stairs to get to his different lessons. The actual work at school wasn’t difficult for Zohaib but he found homework stressful because there was a lot of it. Zohaib’s teachers have been understanding and told him to save energy by taking his time.
Zohaibs’s family got a cat recently, and Zohaib felt that petting their cat helped him feel less worried about Covid. Zohaib felt that playing with the cat made him happier and took his mind off of things for a while.
Zohaib says that one positive of the situation is that his family have become better at taking care of each other a little more since some of them have developed Long Covid. However, Zohaib felt sad for other people his age experiencing Long Covid, and wanted to tell them to be calm.
Malaeka and Zohaib, who are brother and sister, were both dealing with Long Covid symptoms, and missed going on cycle rides with the family.
Malaeka and Zohaib, who are brother and sister, were both dealing with Long Covid symptoms, and missed going on cycle rides with the family.
Malaeka: I used to do swimming, and I used to do biking, and I'd go to after-school clubs, and other exercises, and like walking and running, and I also used to play football.
Zohaib: No, but like the one thing that I never get to do, because usually some... like every single night I usually go cycling with my family and stuff, every single evening, and then I couldn't go and because like I get tired, and like yeah, and body aches and stuff.
Zohaib’s parents got a cat for the family, who has been a good distraction while they’ve been unwell.
Zohaib’s parents got a cat for the family, who has been a good distraction while they’ve been unwell.
He makes me happy and stuff like when he’s with me, and the whole he makes me feel like happy, like he makes me feel not that scared and stuff when I'm with him.
That’s so nice.
Like... yeah.
Yeah, and what about if you're feeling unwell?
Like I stroke him and stuff, I stoke him so [inaudible], and I... he comes to me and like what’s it called? I... what’s it called? Like we will strokes... we... I stroke him a lot and then he... and... and I play with him.
Yeah, that’s so nice, do you think he knows when you're feeling unwell?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
What about the rest of them, do you think he knows when your siblings are feeling unwell?
Just you [chuckles]?
Because I just play with him some more.
Are you the favourite?
Yeah, most likely.
Mum: Excuse me.
Yeah, I'm not the favourite when my little brother’s around, or my parents.
Just of the cat?
Yeah, of the cat, yeah, 100% I am.
The biggest difference for Zohaib is that he is unable to play as many sports as he used to.
The biggest difference for Zohaib is that he is unable to play as many sports as he used to.
I couldn't do like some sports. Like I could play... I couldn't play lots of cricket and stuff because... and I couldn't play some football, I couldn't play tennis, basketball all because of ... because... and I couldn't do my swimming classes as well.
Well, it sounds like you were really active as well before this.
Yeah, I was.
Going up and down stairs at school makes Zohaib get tired easily. He’s found his homework difficult because of his fatigue.
Going up and down stairs at school makes Zohaib get tired easily. He’s found his homework difficult because of his fatigue.
Because like I could like go into lessons and stuff because I've got third floor, second floor, first floor, the ground floor, I have to go up and down stuff, I get tired, and my leg is stayed more…. sometimes.
Oh of course, yeah, because you have to be up and down the stairs. And has the school done anything to help you with that?
Yeah, so like sometimes they let me use the elevator and stuff. Like I can't explain this: hard and stuff. Like... like, how can I explain this? The work is easy but like... it’s like very stressful because I have to do this homework, and then the other homework, and then some other homework and stuff.