
Hina has had Covid twice and experiences Long Covid symptoms of leg and back pain which “just comes out of nowhere.” The second time she had Covid, her symptoms were worse and she was scared because she had not expected to get it again and her dad had recently sadly passed away from Covid. She takes paracetamol for her leg pain and uses massage and stretching to ease the pain. Some of her sisters also have Long Covid symptoms and they all support and help each other.
Hina lives with her mum and her six older sisters aged 27, 23, 21, 17, 16 and 14. Ethnic background: British Pakistani.
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When Hina first had Covid in September 2021 she had mild symptoms of leg pain. After ten days she continued to have very severe leg and back pain. Her dad had Covid at the same time and went to hospital and sadly, he died in hospital. In March, Hina caught Covid for a second time and this time she was ‘scared, worried and shocked.’ She had been to a wedding with her family the day before and thinks she may have got it there since her sisters also became ill with Covid. This time her symptoms were worse; she felt very cold, nauseous and had a lot of weakness. She now has leg and back pain that “it just comes out of nowhere and it’s just really painful.” Her sleeping hasn’t been affected. She is still able to do P.E lessons at school but sometimes if her legs are too painful she will sit out for one or two lessons. She appreciates one of her friends at school who asks how she is feeling and says, “to rest and drink water and do you have fruits?” Her family encouraged her to do things and to still go places.
Hina takes paracetamol for pain which sometimes helps and other times doesn’t make a difference. Massage and light exercise, such as rolling her leg and stretching exercises help with the pain. Hina hasn’t been to the doctors about her leg and back pain.
Just before Hina got Covid for a second time her leg pain and back pain had gone but then after a second Covid infection it came back again. She hadn’t really thought that she would get Covid again so it was a shock when it happened.
Some of Hina’s sisters also have Long Covid symptoms; one of her sisters has a fast heartbeat, another has asthma and breathing difficulties, another has leg and back pain. Being ill with Long Covid hasn’t changed her relationship with her sisters; they all talk about how difficult it is and try to help each other.
While some people at Hina’s school questioned why she had Covid more than once, one of her friends was very supportive.
While some people at Hina’s school questioned why she had Covid more than once, one of her friends was very supportive.
Like when I came out of school right, when I had Covid twice, I feel like why you’ve had Covid twice. Quite a few people were staying a bit away from me because I had Covid twice, right. Yeah, but no-one - when I’m having leg pain, I think one person that was there was my friend who always asks how I am, how I'm feeling like rest and drink water, do you have fruits.
That's really nice. That's good. And have other people been supportive as well?
Like family members or friends?
Yeah, family members have been. They’re all telling us to eat fruits, drink water, slowly exercise as well ‘cause it will help, yeah.
Hina is ‘not too scared’ about getting Covid again, because she thinks she would be prepared.
Hina is ‘not too scared’ about getting Covid again, because she thinks she would be prepared.
I mean obviously I feel scared – I’m not too scared but okay if I get it, I know what I can do now. I know what I can do. I know, I’ve have it twice already. If I get it a third time, hopefully I won’t. I will know what to do if I get it a third time. I know like how everything is because the second time I was not prepared for like anything so a third time I would be prepared, yeah.
Hina advised ‘encourage yourself’ and to find support in your family.
Hina advised ‘encourage yourself’ and to find support in your family.
I would say like what people said to me – water, have fruits, exercise, stretch out, always push yourself, encourage yourself, yeah you can do it, make sure your families encourage you, yeah.