Interview 19

Investigations started because of bowel problems. The specialist found retention of urine and an enlarged prostate. In March 2005, he had a trans-urethral resection of the prostate (TURP). Having found a small area of 'growth' the consultant recommended a PSA test, which was "normal".
Occupation: Retired manager of countryside & farming estate. Marital status: married. Number of children: 3. Ethnic background: White British.
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A website helped him to understand what it meant to have a PSA level of 2.3.

A website helped him to understand what it meant to have a PSA level of 2.3.
There is a website on this from the National Cancer Institute in the USA.
And what did you, what did you find on that website about the PSA test?
Nothing that I didn't know already.
Would you mind expanding on that a little bit for other people?
Oh the only thing that I wasn't too sure about were the levels that I'll describe, the doctor when he rang me up giving me the result of the test said, 'The finding was 2.3.' Now that particular website of course explains more clearly, although rather subjectively what the levels are and that level is defined as low. High comes you know way over 10 and that sort of thing. So it's a slightly arbitrary scale anyway.
The practice thought they had mislaid his results but he felt reassured when the GP rang him to discuss them.

The practice thought they had mislaid his results but he felt reassured when the GP rang him to discuss them.
The only thing was when I rang through to the doctors' surgery saying you know, Has the result come through', they said, 'Oh we think so but we've lost it,' which seemed to me a little bit slap happy [laughs].
Oh dear.
'But we'll get somebody to ring you back by such and such a time.' And then when I rang them back again they, this is you know through the day so it could be concerning for somebody who wasn't too au fait with it. They said, 'Oh we've got it, we have found it, we didn't lose it,' mislaid I think was what they said, 'but there's a query about the, one of the measurements in it.' Now that shouldn't have been said.
It was just ordinary, one of the office staff I think, anyway eventually the GP rang me back, gave me the details and that was fine.
Reads from a letter from his consultant recommending he have repeated PSA tests after his transurethral resection of the prostate.

Reads from a letter from his consultant recommending he have repeated PSA tests after his transurethral resection of the prostate.
So when did they decide to do a PSA test?
When I was finally discharged by the consultant he wrote me a short letter, very, very short, using what I would call consultant's language, not GP's language but saying you know go and have a test, have one now and have another in three months' time. And of course he notified my own GP anyway who was ready to deal with it.
Did he explain why you should have a PSA test?
He said in one letter, a little letter which I think I can find, would it help?
Could you summarise what the consultant said?
Dated 6th May, short letter I'll just read what is here 'Just a line to confirm that I have written to your doctor about your follow up. There is a small area of growth within the prostate which is not an uncommon finding as we discussed. May I suggest that you have your prostate blood test, PSA, measured every three months initially. I've asked if you can have this done through the surgery and I'd be grateful if you'd make contact with them. Meanwhile I'd like to see you for a further follow up in six months' time so I can re-examine your gland to make sure that all is well.
They're the consultant's words if you like.