The information he received convinced him that if he developed symptoms he would ask his GP for a PSA test.
The information he received convinced him that if he developed symptoms he would ask his GP for a PSA test.
As a result of seeing all this information has it tempted you to follow it up further with a GP or anything like that?
No, not at this stage. I think if I actually started to show any symptoms then I would be straight to the GP and I would want to, I would want to actually state that, that test was available and was there any possibility of me getting it or an equivalent test.
So do you think the PSA tests should be advertised more widely?
Yes I do.
Because you said you didn't really know about it before?
No I didn't, didn't know anything about it. I think far more tests should be, should be advertised more widely and I think they should be available even if you have to pay for them, to go sort of private, private medical care and to be able to pay for the tests. If it's something that you feel would benefit then it should be something you can do.