
Age at interview: 30
Age at diagnosis: 30
Brief Outline:
Linda took part in the BUMP study during her first pregnancy.
Linda is a recruitment consultant, married with one child.
More about me...
Linda was invited to take part in the BUMP study during her first pregnancy. She was under consultant care because of her epilepsy, but did not have a history of high blood pressure.
Linda explained her understandings about the BuMP study and what taking part involved.
Linda explained her understandings about the BuMP study and what taking part involved.
It was looking for whether measuring sort of blood pressure in pregnancy can detect-, is effective in detecting any sort of blood pressure related problems so then, obviously, you can see patterns and that sort of thing because I’d have it done with the midwife, with the midwife though, obviously, I was doing it three times a week. Was how I understood it.
Yeah. Great and what did you understand about what the trial involved, at that stage?
The measuring your blood pressure twice a day three times a week, recording it on the paper chart and texting them to the text service and then seeing [Research nurse] was at certain appointments and going for a similar thing there. I think it was 12 week, I think it was 16 weeks, possibly two others, I’m not sure but there were four additional midwife appointments any way.
Linda took part in the BuMP study because there were benefits for herself and to research more generally.
Linda took part in the BuMP study because there were benefits for herself and to research more generally.
I just I just thought, well, you know, research is always important. It wasn’t going to be any sort of, an inconvenience and I couldn’t see any negatives from my perspective. You know, it would mean that any problems I would have would be picked up and yeah, I just sort of, I couldn’t see any negatives from my side of things and, you know, certainly research is so important so I figured I would take part.