
Age at interview: 40
Age at diagnosis: 40
Brief Outline:
Abigail was pregnant with her first child. She was invited to join the BuMP trial.
Abigail was pregnant with her first daughter. She is an IT consultant.
More about me...
Abigail was pregnant with her first child and invited to join the BuMP study because of her age and BMI. She monitored her blood pressure (BP) throughout her pregnancy but detected no raised BP. Her daughter was born naturally at 40 weeks.
Abigail was classed as having a ‘high risk’ pregnancy and was seen by a consultant for her antenatal care, but didn’t find this very helpful.
Abigail was classed as having a ‘high risk’ pregnancy and was seen by a consultant for her antenatal care, but didn’t find this very helpful.
Abigail liked having some continuity with seeing the research midwife in the BuMP study.
Abigail liked having some continuity with seeing the research midwife in the BuMP study.
And I figured, the fact that I was signing up to this study, would hopefully put me in good favour with the midwives, [laughs] so coming down the line, I might need something, you know. And, actually, it turned out that [research nurse] was the only midwife that I had any kind of relationship because I didn’t see the same midwife twice, at all, either at the doctor’s surgery or the hospital or the or the consultant. I didn’t, I never saw, I never actually met the consultant. I only ever had his registrars so you don’t build up any relationship with them. Didn’t build up any relationship with any of the midwives because I never saw them more than once. So [research nurse] was the only person that I saw on a regular basis and, actually, got to know.