Phil - Interview 32
In March 2010 Phil was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. After a liver biopsy, doctors found that the cancer had spread to his liver. Phil is having chemotherapy and was due to start vaccine injections as part of a clinical trial called the TeloVac trial. He feels well but tired.
Phil is the manager of a betting shop, but stopped working due to ill health. He is married and has a son. Ethnic background/Nationality: White British.
More about me...
Phil had severe abdominal pains about half an hour after eating. At first he and his GP thought he had a duodenal ulcer.
Phil had severe abdominal pains about half an hour after eating. At first he and his GP thought he had a duodenal ulcer.
Phil was terrified by the thought of having an endoscopy but the sedative made him sleepy and the procedure itself was not unpleasant.
Phil was terrified by the thought of having an endoscopy but the sedative made him sleepy and the procedure itself was not unpleasant.
but the actual reality was okay.
Phil contacted a Macmillan nurse who visited him at home to discuss his needs and applied for state benefits on his behalf.
Phil contacted a Macmillan nurse who visited him at home to discuss his needs and applied for state benefits on his behalf.
I was told kind of to get in contact with them sort of, that they were the best people to kind of go through. And we just picked up the forms and there’s a local one, fairly close to where I live, where they’re based, and we contact them and they came out to the house and interviewed me and my wife and kind of discussed our needs and what they could do for us. And they’ve kept in contact with us, they sort of, even though they’ve got the benefit’s sorted out, they’ve phoned up. They get reports on how my progress is going.