Anne X

Age at interview: 79
Brief Outline: Anne’s health problems began with atrial fibrillation in her late fifties. By 70 she was taking warfarin and had a pacemaker fitted. She also has Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and psoriatic arthritis, and links most of her conditions to stress.
Background: Anne is married with three grown-up children and is retired. Ethnic Background: White.
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Anne believed if she had a pacemaker fitted she would no longer need to take warfarin, but this proved not to be the case. Her first pacemaker had to be removed after three months. She is now on her third. She originally found out that something was wrong with her heart whilst playing badminton. “Gradually the knees got too bad to even try badminton,” following a historical cartilage injury resulting from a skiing accident. Following a lung function test, she was told that she had Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), but there was disagreement between health professionals on the diagnosis as she has never smoked. Anne had experienced further medical confusion about “whether I’ve got glaucoma or not.” She has also had pneumonia.
Having enjoyed good health until her 50s Anne has found it difficult to come to terms with her health problems, saying she finds them “depressing” and “humiliating.” She says she has changed from somebody who was “blessed with good health” to a situation where she sometime feels “absolutely as if I’m going to die any minute.”
At the time of the interview, Anne was being kept awake at night by acid reflux linked to stress and not eating regularly. She has psoriatic arthritis in her hands which is painful and “awful” to look at. Psoriasis, as with many of her conditions, is linked to stress. She also experiences a dry mouth following an increase in the dose of one of her medicines. Her experience of ill health is linked to misfortunes that she has faced in the recent past:
“I’ve … been in two major car accidents in the last three years and my husband also had a heart attack. … my daughter had liver failure … one of my grandchildren shattered her leg.”
Anne is a Christian who has recently moved Parish and doesn’t find much support in her new location. She would like to use acupuncture but has been advised not to because she takes warfarin. Her daughter lives abroad but she’s not able to fly because of her health conditions. She remarks:
“Frankly there are so many things going on in my life, so many unexpected health problems, I am confused myself and wonder what next? So it must be very hard for my GP. So I thank God that I know he’s around somewhere, and I just wish we could be closer that’s all, at this particular time.”
Having enjoyed good health until her 50s Anne has found it difficult to come to terms with her health problems, saying she finds them “depressing” and “humiliating.” She says she has changed from somebody who was “blessed with good health” to a situation where she sometime feels “absolutely as if I’m going to die any minute.”
At the time of the interview, Anne was being kept awake at night by acid reflux linked to stress and not eating regularly. She has psoriatic arthritis in her hands which is painful and “awful” to look at. Psoriasis, as with many of her conditions, is linked to stress. She also experiences a dry mouth following an increase in the dose of one of her medicines. Her experience of ill health is linked to misfortunes that she has faced in the recent past:
“I’ve … been in two major car accidents in the last three years and my husband also had a heart attack. … my daughter had liver failure … one of my grandchildren shattered her leg.”
Anne is a Christian who has recently moved Parish and doesn’t find much support in her new location. She would like to use acupuncture but has been advised not to because she takes warfarin. Her daughter lives abroad but she’s not able to fly because of her health conditions. She remarks:
“Frankly there are so many things going on in my life, so many unexpected health problems, I am confused myself and wonder what next? So it must be very hard for my GP. So I thank God that I know he’s around somewhere, and I just wish we could be closer that’s all, at this particular time.”