Interview 10
Age at interview: 76
Brief Outline: Was diagnosed with pancreatitis in 2004. Spent over a week in intensive care and 1 week in a general ward.
Background: Occupation: retired civil servant. Marital status: divorced. Number of children: 1. Ethnic background: White British.
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She was disappointed when she didn't receive some of the things she'd asked for or was expecting.
She was disappointed when she didn't receive some of the things she'd asked for or was expecting.
And how often did the doctors come round in intensive care?
Oh, every day, the doctors came round. They were very good. Yeah, I've got no compunctions - you know, at all about - I'd give them all good credit. It was the nursing, I think that - I mean one sister, she came to do something, and I hadn't had a cup of tea. I think the trolley had been and gone or something, while they were seeing to me - and I said to the sister, "Oh I could really drink a nice cup of tea". She said, "I don't do tea". And that put me in my place.
Where was this, in the general ward?
Yeah. You didn't get a lot of - I mean how long did it take to make a cup of tea? And they said, "Try a bit of toast", and the toast never came. They went away and did something else. You know, they're not - their minds are elsewhere,