Belinda - Interview 05

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Belinda has grown as a result of her experience of depression in that it is something that she will always have to deal with but she now feels able to. She points to growing up in a competitive environment and also the experience of racism as being possible causes. Belinda defines depression as a feeling of futility and what she terms the descent of ‘black clouds’ that affect her perception of the world. Whereas once she wore a ‘mask’ to hide her feelings she does not feel stigmatised by her experiences and believes that she is better able to manage those feelings when they occur. Belinda found talking through her feelings particularly helpful and would advise others in a similar situation to not be afraid to do the same.
Early experiences of racism and growing up in a migrant family which lacked a secure sense of identity contributed to Belinda's anxiety and depression in adulthood.
Early experiences of racism and growing up in a migrant family which lacked a secure sense of identity contributed to Belinda's anxiety and depression in adulthood.
Feeling cold and slow was a part of Belinda's depression experience.
Feeling cold and slow was a part of Belinda's depression experience.
Belinda was misdiagnosed with epilepsy before she was diagnosed with depression.
Belinda was misdiagnosed with epilepsy before she was diagnosed with depression.
Belinda spoke about feeling stigmatised by a GP who insisted she was depressed then made derogatory comments about people experiencing depression.
Belinda spoke about feeling stigmatised by a GP who insisted she was depressed then made derogatory comments about people experiencing depression.
Belinda felt medication was not going to work for her. Her GP suggested counselling and she found this very helpful.
Belinda felt medication was not going to work for her. Her GP suggested counselling and she found this very helpful.
I want something that’s going to that is not going to be medication that is going to help me get through this and so she suggested that I see a psychologist. So I saw a psychologist, let me think, I probably started seeing the psychologist earlier, so maybe in 1999 or 2000 and I felt that I could, I felt really greatly assisted by the psychologist rather than medication.
Belinda thought it was important to seek help when needed from people who love you for who you are.
Belinda thought it was important to seek help when needed from people who love you for who you are.
Talking. Talking with people who are, you know, talking with people that are non-judgemental, talking with people who you know love you and love you the way you want them to love you. So, you know, supportive you know but not, not making out like you are a child or anything. Letting people know when things are not okay. And I would say to somebody if things are feeling like you are going to get out of control or that you are going to do something that might hurt you, let somebody know that that might happen and let somebody you know that you trust and is not going to create a drama for you, but who will look out for you. That’s what I think. And people have said that to me as well.
Belinda embraced complementary and alternative approaches and benefited from most of those she tried.
Belinda embraced complementary and alternative approaches and benefited from most of those she tried.
Belinda talked about the benefits of her work colleagues' generous support.
Belinda talked about the benefits of her work colleagues' generous support.
So there was a lot of very unhelpful sort of behaviour then, and, but when I started work at a in a you know (place of employment) out in the (location) where I worked, my managers, I had two really great ones, and I was just so sort of upset I think about what was going on for me. It was a little bit of a shock for me as well to be told you have depression. You know I did think it was stigmatising at that time when I was first time, and I told them you know, and they, and they said to me and this is probably why I don’t think it any more, they said to me that’s cool, so do I, you know. That’s fine. So, it’s not a big deal. It’s okay. so you have it. Okay. This is what I do, you know, and they told me some good things and some bad things, but (laughs) you know but they were really great about it.
Belinda described recovery as the realisation that having depression is OK.
Belinda described recovery as the realisation that having depression is OK.
I reckon for me recovery would mean being able to live with knowing that having depression is okay and that it will you know it will come and go but that the lows are not so low and that the okay times are just around the corner. I don’t think that, for me, that depression will go away altogether but you know I’ve sort of learned over the years that I can live with it and that it might be there but it doesn’t mean it needs to affect other parts of my life as much as it used to.
Belinda expressed scepticism about self-help books because some of them had 'very clear agendas' which she felt compromised their messages.
Belinda expressed scepticism about self-help books because some of them had 'very clear agendas' which she felt compromised their messages.
I loved them, I loved them but I think; well now I am not into them at all but I certainly tried to find the answer to why I felt so empty. And you know, you know, I read through a lot so, but now I am not into them because maybe I feel that they don’t apply to me anymore. I don’t feel that I can find the answer in them. Plus, also some of them just say some ridiculous things. You know some of them have got, not all of them but some have got some very clear agendas and I’m not into that.