Alison - Interview 33

Age at interview: 23
Age at diagnosis: 20
Brief Outline:

Alison is currently on lamotrigine and her seizures are fairly well controlled.


Alison is 23 and full-time student at university. Ethnic background / nationality' White British.

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Alison has read that cannabis can make you feel more relaxed but she's worried because she smoked...

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Alison has read that cannabis can make you feel more relaxed but she's worried because she smoked...

I don't know whether this is true but I can see the meaning behind it, it was literally saying like cannabis can help with epilepsy and it's mainly due to the you know, it sort of like chilling you out quite a lot, making you a lot laidback. So sort of stress is one of the triggers, it can sort of like help that. So I kind of [laughs] took that onboard and decided that maybe. I didn't become a complete pothead [laughs] but I just decided like if I've had a severely stressful day at work it might be a good idea to come home, chill out a little bit maybe just have a small joint and just see how it go. I mean I don't know whether it's because I was controlled enough but I never had any problems taking cannabis and also as well with epilepsy. 

But I do remember, there is sort of like that back in my mind it's like when I was taking, there is an episode where I did take a bit too much and I did pass out. Now that could have been a fit but I don't know it was a long time ago. So that has been in the back of my mind and sort of like thinking oh so therefore I'm totally against like taking' I would never, never try anything but cannabis. I just think it's worth when you've got something like this to try and take care of your body and sort of like make sure that you don't bring on a seizure 'cos that's the main thing you wanna stay controlled.