Linda - DCIS ductal carcinoma in situ

Linda was diagnosed with DCIS in 2007, aged 53. She had a wide local excision, followed by a mastectomy. She was also prescribed Nolvadex for five years.
Linda is a married teaching assistant with one adult child. Ethnic background / nationality: White British.
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Once she was told that she had a high grade tumour she felt that there was no longer a real choice about whether to have surgery.
Once she was told that she had a high grade tumour she felt that there was no longer a real choice about whether to have surgery.
She [doctor] did warn me that, if the calcifications were what they call high-grade, there’s three grades, low, medium and high, that there would be a possibility of a mastectomy. Well I couldn’t understand this because you hear of people who have had a lump removed, but haven’t had their breast removed, and I’m thinking, “Well, if this is pre-cancerous, why am I having this mastectomy?” But of course she didn’t know at this stage whether I would be high or low or medium grade. So it was about a week later actually that she came to see me, and I could tell by the look on her face that all wasn’t well, and she sat down and said, “I’m really sorry but they are high grade and the only thing we can offer you is a mastectomy.” And I could not believe this, I thought well, this is crazy, it was like an out of body experience, she wasn’t speaking to me, she was speaking to somebody else, this can’t be happening to me, you know.