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Lauren first saw a GP who specialised in eating disorders. She felt completely understood and that she wasn't wasting anyone's time.
Lauren first saw a GP who specialised in eating disorders. She felt completely understood and that she wasn't wasting anyone's time.
I first of all made an appointment with the nurse and ‘cos I had no idea what to do or anything, I just spoke to the nurse and kind of said to her what I thought my problem was and that I’d been losing weight and that I kind of had read this book and thought that that was maybe what. I was doing to myself and then she made another appointment for me to see a specialist GP who was kind of specialised in that. And then I remember meeting her and she was really lovely and she, so helpful as well, completely understood and didn’t make me feel like I was wasting time or anything and got me referred straightaway, which was fantastic.
Lauren found Cognitive Behavioural Therapy hard work. Attending appointments and writing down every meal and the associated thoughts felt like a chore at first.
Lauren found Cognitive Behavioural Therapy hard work. Attending appointments and writing down every meal and the associated thoughts felt like a chore at first.
Lauren created positive cards and a positive wall reminding her of why to get better. She also found music and relaxation important.
Lauren created positive cards and a positive wall reminding her of why to get better. She also found music and relaxation important.
It's important to realise that, when eating again, having small portions is not giving into anorexia but the beginning of getting better. The psychological changes have to happen before behavioural change.
It's important to realise that, when eating again, having small portions is not giving into anorexia but the beginning of getting better. The psychological changes have to happen before behavioural change.
Lauren had to watch every food programme on TV, go around the supermarket looking at all the foods, make food plans and buy recipe books.
Lauren had to watch every food programme on TV, go around the supermarket looking at all the foods, make food plans and buy recipe books.
I think like when you have an eating disorder you think you’re the only weird person like you and the only one that’s doing all this weird stuff but just like becoming obsessed with like food programmes, for example. I had to watch every food programme that was on TV. Going round supermarkets for like hours and just like looking at all the food that was there but not actually buying or finding it hard to buy it. You know, shopping, the, the day I would go and do my food shop was equally, one of my highlights of the week but also the worst part of my week. And I used to love going round looking at food but then I’d hate having to decide what one I was going to have and I found it very stressful. Just having like my strict timetables. I had to write everything down that, you know, when I was going to get up. What I was going to do. What I was going to eat. Making menu plans, buying recipe books and then using like, there were strange things like I had to use a certain bowl to eat out of. And like for cereal or soups and things like that I had to like use a teaspoon to eat with because in my mind it made it last longer and made me think I was eating more and things like that.
Lauren's experiences also changed her mum who has become more confident and spoken publicly to other carers about her personal experiences.
Lauren's experiences also changed her mum who has become more confident and spoken publicly to other carers about her personal experiences.
We’re great. My mum and dad, I’ve changed a lot as well, they’ve been through a lot and I think that they’ve become more understanding of people. They’ve sort of realised their own kind of calling in life as well I think. My mum’s become so much more confident. She would never speak kind of out about anything. She was always really shy. She wouldn’t travel anywhere and through what we’ve been through she’s, you know, stood up at healing conferences and spoke to carers. She’s been speaking to other carers on a personal level and helping them. She’s coming to New York as well and You know, just she’s become more confident and I think ‘cos she’s realised that, you know, she doesn’t when this life is gonna end or what’s gonna to happen in her life you just kind of have to take each day as it comes and live for the moment, kind of thing, and not be worrying about all these silly things and just putting life into perspective a little bit. And taking a few risks because they’re so worth it if you do and if it works out, you know, it’s gonna be great opportunities and I think that’s really changed her and it’s been good to see that change in her. I think that’s come through my illness because she’s had to be stronger and she’s had to be more confident and she had to do that.
Lauren said her sister has been “the bravest” in the family.
Lauren said her sister has been “the bravest” in the family.
“Never ever give up on us”.
“Never ever give up on us”.
It’s gonna be frustrating and it’s gonna be difficult but it’s just so important that these young people get the help and just not giving up on them. Never, never give up on somebody. Always fighting for them and although we might say we don’t want the help and we hate going I think, deep down, we really do want the help and we do want to go and just to really, I really admire people who do that kind of treatment ‘cos it must be really frustrating. And it must be so difficult, but just to never give up and to always keep trying. Yeah but it is difficult.